[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CjXFEr6B8k&w=480&h=315]
by Rob Wilson
by Rob Wilson
The holiday season is here again and it’s time to figure out what to get for those important people on your list. I know it can be difficult to come up with gift ideas for the person that has everything. It’s even harder to come up with ideas for the person that WANTS everything (that won’t break the bank of course). This year, get them something that they both desperately need, but probably won’t buy for themselves….a financial plan!
To help those financially challenged people on your list, I’ve developed a new wealth building membership program called Financial Personal Training. It’s like working with a personal trainer at your gym, but for your financial health. A P90X workout program for your wallet, so-to-speak.
Think about it: Do you know anyone (including yourself) that has been trying to get any of the to-do items below done, but needs some quality advice and guidance to finally do so?
If so, then Financial Personal Training is for them (or you)!
As a member in the program, you’ll receive access to exclusive monthly training webinars where we’ll discuss important financial topics with ample time for Q&A. Each member receives a private monthly coaching session where I’ll work with you on your specific financial goals and aspirations, such as those listed above. That’s only the beginning! For a complete list of benefits, check out the program website at http://www.financialpersonaltraining.com.
Normally, the monthly investment for a life changing program like this would be fairly expensive. But because I appreciate you guys so much for joining me on this wealth building journey, I’ve set the normal price at the level of $97/month.
But wait there’s more!
Since it’s the holiday season, and I know how much you love those Black Friday deals, I’m offering the first three months of the program at an astonishingly low $49/month! And, so that no one get’s hurt rushing through the virtual doors, I’m giving you until the end of Cyber Monday to secure your spot in the program at this discount. However, just like the $99 televisions at Wal-Mart, there are only a limited number of spots available, so don’t treat this like homework and wait until the last minute.
by Rob Wilson
So, you guys already know that I work as a financial advisor to professional athletes and entertainers. I really enjoy what I do, but sometimes, it has unintended consequences.
I speak to lots of kids, and when they find out what I do, all of their concern and attention shifts to “Wow, how much money does [that celebrity] make?” or “What kind of car do they drive?” or “I bet [that celebrity] has a HUGE crib, right?” Now, all of those things are valid questions, especially given that TV has conditioned us to be enamored with the “lifestyles of the rich and famous.” But, focusing on the lives of prominent athletes and entertainers can give our kids an incomplete perception of what success really looks like. Even worse, it may lead them to believe that if they can’t rap, act, sing, dance, or shoot a basketball, then they may not be able to live the type of life that they desperately want to live.
I mean, these kids can’t really think that “Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta”, “UnReal Housewives of Blah Blah Blah” or “Kim and Kourtney Take Acting Lessons” really tells the entire story…do they???
That’s when I had my epiphany. I realized that as a financial advisor, I have also come into contact with, and have as clients, a plethora of doctors, lawyers, accountants, architects, business people and entrepreneurs that are living fabulous lives. In fact, many of these individuals live lives that are far more enriching than a number of these celebrities, because of the fact that, due to their inability to manage their money, the average celebrity’s “high life” is short lived. However, the stories of these wildly successful “non-celebrities” has largely gone untold…until now.
Enter “The Best Kept Secret.” I’ve developed this online show to expose viewers to individuals that have become very successful in fields other than sports and entertainment. And I mean REAL success. Not the sort of “I’m on a reality show, so I will make it look like I’m rich, but my home is getting foreclosed on next week” type of (fake) success. In the coming months, I’ll introduce you to and tell the stories of people that look like you, sound like you, came from where you came from and found a way to make it big. I’ll also give you the blueprint so that you can do it to.
Check out the video above which sets the stage for why I decided to put this project together. When you see the looks on the student’s faces, you’ll know why. I’m also certain that you too, will enjoy learning how to get closer to living the life of your wildest dreams.
Because after all, why should rappers have all the fun?
Enjoyed this video? Let’s Connect!
WEBSITE: https://robwilson.tv
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/robwilsontv
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/robwilsontv
Do you know someone that should be featured on “The Best Kept Secret?” Email me at rob@robwilson.tv!
Special shoutout to @Emmai_Alaquiva, PNC Bank, the Heinz Endowments and Urban Pathways Charter School for getting this project off the ground!!!
by Rob Wilson
Forget trying to get rich off of the Facebook IPO. Raise the money to start or build your own dream company using Kickstarter! Plus, why the stock market had a rough month of May in this week’s #MoneyMonday.
Enjoyed this video? Let’s connect:
YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/robwilsontv
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/robwilsontv
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/robwilsontv
by Rob Wilson
I shouldn’t be shocked at the hype over the Facebook IPO today, but I am. It’s on every channel. I think that I even heard that Bert and Ernie were on Sesame Street discussing where they think the shares will open this morning.
It’s an amazing story…the American Dream. Go to a great school, dream up a great idea, start a great company, take it public, make a billion. I’m extremely happy for Mark and the countless other Facebook executives, employees and early investors that with become financially independent today. They deserve it. I’ve been able build my business and also meet and keep in touch with a number of very special people in my life because of Facebook, and for that I am grateful.
I think some of you that have been asking about how to buy shares in this company are missing the point. Sure, shares in Facebook may turn out to be a good investment. I wish that I had a crystal ball and could reduce the uncertainty in that for you. What I am certain about however, is that we are smack dab in the middle of a time period that provides you with an unprecedented opportunity to live the type of life that you want to live…by investing in yourself, and your ideas and your passion…rather than in the shares of someone else’s.
There is no reason that you cannot be the next Mark Zuckerberg.
Think of it this way:
Because of Google, information is largely free. You can learn how to do almost anything online for free (ALMOST: I don’t think that I want to have surgery from an online educated physician). In fact, you can take REAL courses from Harvard and MIT online for FREE (video: http://youtu.be/tKZ2SYjALts). Remember that excuse about not being able to afford school, especially a good school…GONE.
If you want to be a star, and you’d like to be on TV. You don’t have to wait for anyone to decide you are ready. You can create your own channel on YouTube. Remember that excuse that you’re waiting to be “discovered”…GONE…Just ask Justin Bieber (http://youtu.be/eQOFRZ1wNLw)
If you have a great idea and you want to start a business, yes, you need money to do that. But you no longer have to have a rich uncle or the cell phone number of a wealth venture capitalist. You can put your idea out the the world, and they can decide if they like it. If so, they’ll help you build it. Just ask the guys that had a great idea for a smart watch that connects to your iPhone or Android phone and raised 10 MILLION DOLLARS to make their idea a reality. (http://bit.ly/LLtvNW) Remember that excuse about not having the money to start your dream business…GONE
There are countless other examples but the point is this;
You have no more excuses for not reaching for the life that you deserve.
The internet is the most significant, game changing, playing field leveling invention perhaps in history. You can do things, largely for free, that would have been unthinkable only a few short years ago.
So if you don’t pick up any Facebook shares today, don’t fret. The opportunities are still there, waiting for you.
You have the ability and the tools at your fingertips to make your life’s profile page look exactly how you want it to look.
Now go and hit the “Like” button on that.
Enjoyed this article? Let’s connect:
YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/robwilsontv
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/o0ZylH
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/robwilsontv
by Rob Wilson
March Money Madness made it to Black Enterprise. Special thanks to Janell Hazelwood (@JPHazelwood) for covering the 2012 edition of the game. Thanks to everyone that signed up and…Good Luck!
Here’s an excerpt:
What can people learn about investing from March Money Madness?
What’s great about the competition is that you can test out your hypotheses about what makes stock prices move in the real market, and this experience can help you become a better investor.
After playing the game, players should be able to:
—Read and understand stock market information in the newspaper (USA Today, local paper, etc)
—Know where to go to find information on the market (Black Enterprise, WSJ, Barrons, Smartmoney)
—Know how to research past stock prices (Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, Morningstar)
—Understand issues that affect stock prices (revenue, earnings announcements, interest rates, unemployment reports, etc.)
—Gain a comfort level with the movement of stocks in the market (less fear of investing)
Know where to go to open an brokerage account if they want to start investing.
CLICK HERE to read more!
by Rob Wilson
March Money Madness in the Pittsburgh Business Times!
Check out this great article from the PBT on how firms are putting March Madness to work for them. They included a lot of info on my March Money Madness Bracket Challenge…and a great picture if I do say so myself!
Sign up for the Bracket Challenge TODAY! The entry fee is only $5 and the winner will walk away with 50% of the total entry fees!
CLICK HERE to register!
From the article:
Companies are finalizing their March Madness lineups in preparation for college basketball’s NCAA Tournament tip off.
Financial adviser Rob Wilson, for example, is set to unveil an online competition, March Money Madness, on March 12.
“It works just like filling out a bracket for the NCAA tournament, only instead of using 64 college basketball teams, I use 64 stocks,” said Wilson, vice president at South Side-based Blazer Capital Management. He didn’t increase the field to 68 as the NCAA did this year because of “technology limitations.”
Participants, who register on the website, www.marchmoneymadness.net, can compete with everyone who signs…
Read more: March Madness: Firms put tournament fever to work | Pittsburgh Business Times
by Rob Wilson
Some people talk a lot about giving back, others just put their money where their mouth is and do it.
Young Money recording artist, and great client of mine, TYGA, put together the TYGA R.O.A.R. (Reach Out And Represent) Initiative as a way for him to give back to the communities in the cities that he is visiting while performing on the Chris Brown F.A.M.E. Tour.
As part of the R.O.A.R. campaign, select students that were recommended by their teachers were honored with a photo op and certificate of Achievement signed by TYGA, tickets to the FAME Tour Concert, and a voucher for 35 FREE college applications!
Check out this video, courtesy of Hip Hop On Lock and directed by Emmai Alaquiva, documenting TYGA and his visit to Pittsburgh.
Are YOU putting your money where your mouth is?
by Rob Wilson
Even if you’ve been out of school for quite some time, it’s good to hit the books every now and again. Here are a few timeless personal finance tips along with good books to drive those points home.
by Rob Wilson
You’ve got your degree, now what? Here’s what to do next.
If you're finally ready to get your finances in order so that you can build real wealth and live the life of your dreams, this is the site for you.
I help young professionals learn how to make more money, spend more wisely, and invest more efficiently.