Mark Zuckerberg Gets His Billions Today, Are Ready to Get Yours?

I shouldn’t be shocked at the hype over the Facebook IPO today, but I am.  It’s on every channel.  I think that I even heard that Bert and Ernie were on Sesame Street discussing where they think the shares will open this morning.

It’s an amazing story…the American Dream.  Go to a great school, dream up a great idea, start a great company, take it public, make a billion.  I’m extremely happy for Mark and the countless other Facebook executives, employees and early investors that with become financially independent today.  They deserve it.  I’ve been able build my business and also meet and keep in touch with a number of very special people in my life because of Facebook, and for that I am grateful.

I think some of you that have been asking about how to buy shares in this company are missing the point.  Sure, shares in Facebook may turn out to be a good investment. I wish that I had a crystal ball and could reduce the uncertainty in that for you.  What I am certain about however, is that we are smack dab in the middle of a time period that provides you with an unprecedented opportunity to live the type of life that you want to live…by investing in yourself, and your ideas and your passion…rather than in the shares of someone else’s.

There is no reason that you cannot be the next Mark Zuckerberg.

Think of it this way:

Because of Google, information is largely free.  You can learn how to do almost anything online for free (ALMOST: I don’t think that I want to have surgery from an online educated physician).  In fact, you can take REAL courses from Harvard and MIT online for FREE (video:  Remember that excuse about not being able to afford school, especially a good school…GONE.

If you want to be a star, and you’d like to be on TV.  You don’t have to wait for anyone to decide you are ready.  You can create your own channel on YouTube.  Remember that excuse that you’re waiting to be “discovered”…GONE…Just ask Justin Bieber (

If you have a great idea and you want to start a business, yes, you need money to do that.  But you no longer have to have a rich uncle or the cell phone number of a wealth venture capitalist. You can put your idea out the the world, and they can decide if they like it.  If so, they’ll help you build it.  Just ask the guys that had a great idea for a smart watch that connects to your iPhone or Android phone and raised 10 MILLION DOLLARS to make their idea a reality. (  Remember that excuse about not having the money to start your dream business…GONE

There are countless other examples but the point is this;

You have no more excuses for not reaching for the life that you deserve.

The internet is the most significant, game changing, playing field leveling invention perhaps in history.  You can do things, largely for free, that would have been unthinkable only a few short years ago.

So if you don’t pick up any Facebook shares today, don’t fret.  The opportunities are still there, waiting for you.

You have the ability and the tools at your fingertips to make your life’s profile page look exactly how you want it to look.

Now go and hit the “Like” button on that.

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