Why You Should Be a Mentor #MentorMonday

NOTE: I am participating in a compensated campaign to promote Pittsburgh Public Schools We Promise program. I am a strong supporter of mentoring programs, therefore all opinions remain my own. #IAmWePromise #PPSMentorsMatter


You Should Be a Mentor

Are you a talented, experienced professional with many life lessons learned that could be of benefit to others?  If you read my blog, my assumption is that you are.

As such, I’d like to make a strong suggestion that you should be a mentor.  Especially if you are in the Pittsburgh area.

There are a number of African American male students in the Pittsburgh Public Schools that could use advice from someone life you!

Not quite convinced?  Check out this week’s special Money #MentorMonday video for the top 3 reasons that you should become a mentor.


Remember All of Those Mistakes YOU Made?

When I talk with clients about financial mistakes they’ve made in their lives, I hear one statement over and over again:

[quote style="boxed"]If only I knew then what I know now”[/quote]

Here’s your opportunity to make sure that other young people don’t have to utter that statement.


The Media Isn’t Going To Do It

Have you watched TV lately? Our young men need to see more people like you in the flesh, because according to the media, you don’t exist.


Everyone Can Use a Cheerleader

When I was very young, my parents and my teachers made me feel like I was smart. I’m not sure if they were lying to me or not, but I believed it. They gave me confidence and a sense that great things were expected of me. Those feelings drive me to this day.

Spend some time mentoring a few young men and you can inspire them to do things they’ve never dreamed of.


Interested? Here’s the next step:

If you’ve ready to share your knowledge, expertise and encouragement with young African American males with great potential, please take a look at the Pittsburgh Public Schools’ We Promise Program, and initiative designed to ensure that these young men become eligible for the Pittsburgh Promise.

Eligibility for the Pittsburgh Promise means that these young men can obtain up to $40,000 to fund their college education.  As you can see, there’s a lot at stake.

Head over to the We Promise Program fort more information on how you can get involved.

It will be beneficial for you, and priceless for the young men.


Kids and Cash Live – Financial Literacy Month

Theories are great, but sometimes you have to show kids how things work in real life.

Watch as I talk about how to teach kids about money, with a special highlight on the students from Urban Pathways Charter School that shadowed me for a day to learn more about money and career options.

Special thanks to the Heinz Endowments and PNC Bank for supporting the program!

Get Rich or Buy Trying


The holiday season doesn’t have to be all about spending.  Here are some ideas on how to give smart financial gifts for Christmas.

America’s Next Top Gold Digger

Nik Pace

Model Sues NFL Star for $70k per Month in Child Support

I know that 50 said “Have a baby by me baby, be a millionaire,” but I don’t think he meant for it to be taken so literally.

ANTM finalist Nik Pace is suing Jets WR Braylon Edwards for $70k per month in child support for the son that she birthed in September.

In one of the most ridiculous funniest statements that I’ve heard this year, her lawyer called Edwards’ petition to be recognized as the child’s father in Atlanta rather than in New York a “cold, calculated act to pay less money.”

If it takes $70k per month to raise a child these days, I’m scheduling my vasectomy in January.

Kidz And Cash

Here’s how to teach your kids about money…even if you don’t have it all together yet.

…Speaking of kids and money, I couldn’t resist posting this. Keith, how about we start them this early?!!?!?!
