M&S 008: Becoming a Top Expert in Your Niche with Melinda Emerson aka SmallBizLady



From the feedback I’ve been receiving from all of you, there are a lot of you that want to earn a living by having impact and influence on the lives of other people.

There’s only one problem: Many of you just don’t know where to start. No sweat. Here comes #MoversAndShakers to the rescue.

Enter Melinda Emerson, a.k.a. SmallBizLady, a former journalist who has, over her 15 years in business, become one of the country’s leading experts in building successful small businesses.

Melinda is the author of the best-selling book, Become your Own Boss in 12 Months, she has been named one of the top experts to follow by Forbes Magazine and Huffington Post, and she has an army of 250,000 loyal followers on Twitter.

She’s built a tremendous platform of impact and influence, and there’s a ton that we can learn from her success.

Melinda Emerson Movers and Shakers Interview with Rob Wilson


In this episode of Movers & Shakers here’s what we’ll cover:

  • What led her to shift from her career as a journalist  to become her own boss
  • How she unexpectedly got her first book deal
  • Why she launched a blog before launching her book 
  • How she went from knowing NOTHING about Twitter to having $250,000 followers
  • The gutsy move that landed her a weekly column in the New York Times
  • The top lessons learned from her 15 years in business
  • And much more!

Advice From Melinda Emerson a.k.a SmallBizLady

  • It’s either WIN or LEARN.  There are no losses in business. Adopting this attitude will help you get past the fear of failing.
  • Leverage others with larger audiences. She used Entrepreneur.com and the NY Times to build her personal sphere of influence
  • Use Your Network. Don’t be afraid to take on a project even though you might not know everything you need to complete it. Pick up the phone and ask for help.

Items mentioned in this episode include: 

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Action Item: Create something of extreme value to your audience and seek out a partner with a larger audience to help you promote it.

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