Kids and Cash Live – Financial Literacy Month

Theories are great, but sometimes you have to show kids how things work in real life.

Watch as I talk about how to teach kids about money, with a special highlight on the students from Urban Pathways Charter School that shadowed me for a day to learn more about money and career options.

Special thanks to the Heinz Endowments and PNC Bank for supporting the program!

My Favorite Financial Things 2010


Oprah has her list, so why can’t I have mine?  Here’s the list of my favorite financial things for 2010.

Gifts That Keep on Giving


Enough with the bad ties, sweaters and fruit cakes already!  This holiday season why not give a few smart financial gifts to your loved ones?  I promise you these won’t be re-gifted!

New Healthcare Rules


Confused about the new healthcare rules?  You’re not alone, I think a lot of the people that passed the law are still a little sketchy on the details.

Let’s make a little sense of what was passed, and the changes that are beginning to take effect.

Think Outside The Office #MoneyMonday

There are skills that you can develop outside of the office that can help to differentiate you and accelerate your career so that, ultimately, you make more money.

I’ve teamed up with The Dance Cafe in Pittsburgh to help teach you one of those skills.  Here are the details:

FREE Salsa Lessons

Tuesday, July 27th


The Dance Cafe, 805/807 Liberty Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh

Session 1: 7:30 pm – 8pm

Session 2: 8pm – 8:30pm

Here’s a quick preview!


The Advisor and the Champ


I stopped by Pittsburgh Today Live and brought along my good friend, former classmate and new Super Bowl Champion Darnell Dinkins from the New Orleans Saints with me to talk about we can all learn about our money from the world of sports.

Get Rich or Buy Trying


The holiday season doesn’t have to be all about spending.  Here are some ideas on how to give smart financial gifts for Christmas.

All the Right Moves


Whether you had a great 2009, or one you’d like to forget, we all have the opportunity to start fresh on January 1. But, before you hit the reset button, here are a few moves you may want to make with your dough before the end of the year.

Healthy, Wealthy & Wise?

The debate over health care reform has gotten really messy.  Wouldn’t it be great if we could just focus on the facts and work together to come up with a solution?  This discussion needs more than 4 minutes, but here I lay out some of  the facts about what the reform might mean to you.